Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Just another day in the life...

I mopped my kitchen floor at 11pm last night, something my dear friend Kim thought smelled a little of OCD. But it had been a while, and I have three (or four, depending on how you look at it) professional mess-makers in my house. So it really needed it. And it was nice and clean this morning, which made what happened have a good side, and a bad side.

I emerged from the laundry room to hear Sofia yell, "Mom, the boys!" which is never a good thing. She's my little watchdog. So I go three steps to the kitchen, and see the boys crouched over this:

A nearly full bag of Cheetos. I hate Cheetos. Now more than ever.

So as I mentioned, there was a good and bad side to this scenario. The good side is that I know for a fact the floor is Lysol clean. This means I will put those nasty pieces of faux cheese crunchies back in their bag where my husband will no-doubt unwittingly eat them. These are tough financial times, and that bag costs 4.99 plus tax. And I don't have to feel guilty, because the floor is actually cleaner than my counter tops right now.

Ah, yes. But the bad side. Since I will not be throwing the Cheetos away, I cannot use the broom and dustpan to remove them from my was-clean floor. So my other option looks like this:

Ugh. Did I mention my distaste for Cheetos? And to top it all off, does my son look the least bit repentant? Seriously. Is he flipping me off??


The Family said...

Isn't that Murphy's law or something! Just like when you wash your car it rains. Hope you guys make it to the park tomorrow.

Kim Greenberg said...

You could always bring the tasty snack to Game Night. I guess there are pros to having OCD after all!

Jessy, Greg, Grace, Jack, Nora, and Lexi said...

Ahh...the story of my life. I have decided that mopping floors (and a clean house for that matter) is completely over-rated!

Olivia said...

hehe that is hilarious! sorry! You should get a dust pan and broom for such occasions. I believe that is a pinky flipping off (is that like veggie swearing?)

DonB said...

You could use a puppy just for such occasions.

Unknown said...

Oh, no!!
Eles também adoram Cheetos????
Isso é um mal internacional!!!!!!!