Wednesday, March 4, 2009


After I put the kids down last night about 8:15pm, I tooled around the kitchen, cleaning up a bit. Then I realized, hey, I'm tired. Wouldn't it be funny if I went to bed now instead of wasting time watching tv or surfin' the 'net? So off to bed I went. Only I made the night-altering choice to grab a book I had just picked up at the library. It's by one of my favorite Christian novelists, Kristen Heiztmann

I crawled into bed and thought, A couple of chapters won't hurt. Hahaha.... I must really have forgotten who I am. Let's just say I was conscious for boy #1's 1am wake up, and then for boy #2's 3am wake up, then also for girl's 3:15am wake up, and boy #1's 3:30am wake up. And I was just drifting off to sleep for boy #1's 4:15am wake up and his 4:45am wake up. I'm actually kind of glad I was already awake for most of those, because once I'm sleeping, I really hate being woken up. Maybe that's why I'm not a big fan of newborns.

Anyways, at least the kids had the decency to sleep in until 7:45 this morning. I've got a bit of a headache, and still the stuffy/runny nose, but honestly, it was good. It was good to take some total selfish and virtually unredeeming time for myself. It is a bit of a shame that it had to take place in the middle of the night, but really, it felt kind of good to do something I used to do all the time before kids. I know there's more pieces of me in there somewhere.... I just hope it doesn't take a hangover to find them.


The Family said...

I could stay up all night reading, especially when it is a good book!

Jessy, Greg, Grace, Jack, Nora, and Lexi said...

Oh I love staying up late reading! I went into Barnes & Noble the other day (by myself...even better) and felt like I could stay and read forever. It was wonderful!