Monday, March 16, 2009

Card Not Initialized

Oh, frustration! My mom, the kids, and I went to Sea World this morning and had a great time. The boys even rode their first ride--the easter-egg ferris wheel. My mom got some cute pictures. Good times. So when I came home to load the pictures from her camera onto our computer, this is what I get: Card Not Initialized. I have encountered this before. So I formatted the picture card, and attempted to retrieve the pictures. To no avail. Those sad pictures are lost, unless my dad can resurrect them. We'll see. Or we won't. So sorry, no pictures tonight. Oh, frustration!


Olivia said...

how sad :( I'm sorry that is really frustrating.

Jessy, Greg, Grace, Jack, Nora, and Lexi said...

Oh no. What a sickening feeling! So sorry.