Thursday, February 11, 2010

For every action....

There is an equal and opposite reaction.

This afternoon I got the rare inspiration to get the kitchen cleaned up. Not spotless, mind you, as evidenced by the dishes in the sink, but I got all the counters wiped down, the dishwasher running, and even swept and mopped the floor.

Now before you start to feel jealous, or have the undeniable urge to title me Domestic Queen of the Universe, let me show you the equal and opposite reaction happening upstairs.

This is the symbiotic relationship we have.... I clean all day, the kids destroy all day. If it weren't for them destroying, I wouldn't have to clean. If I didn't clean, they would have no inspiration to destroy. The cleanest room is the most enticing. Punks.


Jessy, Greg, Grace, Jack, Nora, and Lexi said...

Oh...that's the story of my life. I don't know why I don't learn my lesson. ;)

René said...

Ha ha! I know that all too well. Looks like fun!