Monday, March 23, 2009

Devastating Loss

You may have seen on the news about the plane crash in Montana, with 14 confirmed dead, 7 of them children. Well, a family of four that we knew in Paradise, CA, was on that plane. Brent & Kristen Ching, and their 2 children were going for the last ski trip of the season. If you could pray for the Mautz & Ching families, I would appreciate it. May God give peace to them in this time of loss.


Jessy, Greg, Grace, Jack, Nora, and Lexi said...

Oh how sad. Definately thinking of them.

Olivia said...

This is so sad.

The Family said...

When I heard on the news that some of them were from St. Helena, I wondered if they were Adventist. Then I heard their story from several friends and family today. It is really sad for the family left behind.

Kim Greenberg said...

So sad. The families are all in my prayers.