Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A little piece of sanity

If you're a mom, you probably know that place when you feel like you're only partly human. It could be because you get stuck in your "cave," surrounded by mounds of laundry, dirty dishes, and general filth. It could be because you usually eat moderately identifiable food that you've scavenged from the back of the fridge because you've given all the "good" leftovers (those that are less than 2 days old and likely not a carrier of salmonella poisoning) to the kids for lunch. Or it could be because your conversations throughout the day consist mainly of either yelling about the necessity of cleaning up toys that cut deeply into the foot when not noticed, or the value of not dumping five boxes of cereal on the floor, or trying to explain why mommy has to take "happy pills" (I love you, Excedrin) when we get out the instruments basket. Well, this mommy was getting to that place. The worst part about that part-human place is that the longer you're there, the further back you crawl into that dark, dank space.

Today, I broke free! If only for a couple of hours. We met some friends at a park we've never been at before, and everyone had a great time. The boys came home with scrapes all over their legs and big smiles. Sofia loves any opportunity to socialize. And this mom became a little human, getting to talk to another semi-human mommy for a while. So thank you, Carlson Fam, for hauling us out of our shell for a while!

1 comment:

Jessy, Greg, Grace, Jack, Nora, and Lexi said...

Aw, we had fun. I loved what you had to say in this post. It's all so very true. Thanks for getting me out of the house and making sure I am still in touch with the real world! ;)