Please don't confuse this with One Direction--I don't need a bunch of crazy Directioners stalking me :)
No, this is about the New Direction of the long-dormant blog, Fernandes, Party of Five. Three years later, I'm ready to pick up the trail, this time veering into homeschool world. We've started homeschooling our three kids, one in grade 3 and two in grade 1-ish. Since I'm trying to back-pedal in my Facebook usage, I thought this would be a great forum for the grandparents to keep up on what projects we are doing. And also to prove to myself that we actually are accomplishing something. Occasionally. I will also be having the kids post some of their writing assignments online, because everyone knows that when you are writing for an audience, your focus grows sharper! So without further ado, I give you the Fernandes Academy of Fine Arts and Practical Living (FAFAPL)!
1 year ago